
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Looks brilliant!

This game have a great level design! It is hard by the way.

A little platformer game made in France, with bad drawings and weird story.
But, I think you should give it a try, it's still funny with difficult jumps, cool items and even monsters.

It's an in-progress project, so there's probably bugs, wrong spelled words and more. But I guess that's part of the pleasure in discovering indie games right ?

Prepare for a travel that you won't understand, but don't worry, that doesn't matter. As in any other plaformers, you have only one goal. To end your travel.

Have fun and good luck... You'll need it. Unless you have skills.

#platformer #retro #action

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Let's see if you can beat me at my own game. Inside the yellow cicrle it's the time I needed to reach the room of the first boss. Try to make better and post a screenshot just like mine to prove your superiority.

Today we'll talk about competition and my mistakes.

Ok it was tricky but I think, I've finally finded a way to manage properly collisions with ennemies. Here's a new patch that should really fix the problem. However, then again, it's hard to check every possibility. So I'm counting on you to report bugs.

I've just uploaded a new version that fixes some issues you might had when you were hurt by an ennemy.

Hey I see that some people already downloaded my game ? Cool. Thanks to all of you, but please, don't be shy, express yourself on the comment section to tell me about every bugs you met (don't tell me you didn't met any bugs I won't trust it).

Hi everyone, I had some troubles with the packages. So I created two. One contains an installator for people who wants to download the game and play without using GameJolt. The main package however can be launched from GameJolt.